Building financial


Practical learning that's easy to apply to real life

Digital financial wellness and certified cash flow specialist eLearning displayed on devices.
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Digital financial wellness and certified cash flow specialist eLearning displayed on devices.
The digital financial wellness program displayed on phones.

For employers

Digital financial wellness program

Did you know that your employees' financial stress is hurting them and affecting your bottom line? Not only are employees who are distracted by money woes less productive, they are also more likely to have increased health care spending, which drives up group insurance premium costs. Most financial literacy programs fall short of making any sort of impact in helping people change their behaviour. Help your employees make meaningful financial change that will benefit you all. How much could employee financial stress be costing your business?

Employee financial wellness

    For professionals

    The Certified Cash Flow Specialist (CCS) program

    All clients are impacted by their personal cash flow, no matter how significant their investment holdings. Even high-income clients will benefit from a cash flow plan because it will make it much easier for them to follow and stick to your advice. Just because a client has managed to save hundreds of thousands of dollars for retirement, it doesn’t mean those funds will have them set for life. A cash flow plan can help your clients make the most of their assets!

    Learn more about the CCS
      A person doing the certified cash flow specialist program eLearning course on a laptop.